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Qualex has over ten years of experience implementing telco solutions. We have implemented solutions for telecommunication companies throughout the world, including in the US, the Caribbean, Latin America, and Europe. With over ten years of experience in the telecommunications industry, Qualex Asia can help you understand the in-and-outs of the industry better than anyone.

We have implemented SAS’s Customer Retention for Telecommunications, SAS’s Cross-Sell and Up-Sell for Telecommunications, SAS’s Payment Risk for Telecommunications. We have helped implement modules that can help your moderators predict churn propensity or generate the “next best product” from each customer as well as evaluate your current and potential revenue that is at risk. Our consultants are experts in the field and have presented papers on the subject at several SAS Global Forums. The Qualex Telco solution lets you profile customers who have purchased numerous products or upgrades and then assign similar analytics to other customers in order to determine which ones are good candidates for cross-selling and up-selling.

Market basket analysis allows you to predict likely candidates for cross-sell opportunities given purchase history, customer demographics, call behavior and other significant variables. For example, certain customers may go from having a basic fixed-line subscription to adding on multiple fixed lines plus Internet service. Once you identify this behavior pattern, you can use that knowledge to aim marketing campaigns at customers who are most likely to follow the same path. Few industries are as competitive and as rapidly changing as the communication industry. With its award-winning analytics, data integration, and business intelligence, Qualex can help you in the following areas:

Qualex can help you get a complete picture of your customers as well as help you automate complex marketing campaigns that will increase your efficiency and profitability. By fully integrating SAS’ powerful customer analytics with industry-leading campaign management technology, SAS Campaign Management for Telecommunications gives you a complete picture of your customers.

Key features include:

  • Integration between pre-built telecommunications analytical models and campaign management processes.
  • Pre-built suggested campaigns that can be implemented as templates.
  • In-depth campaign management functions that enable you to optimize campaigns and channels by automatically tracking each campaign element.
  • Integrated prioritization and scheduling for complex, multichannel, multistage campaigns.
  • Efficient selection, screening, and filtering of internal and purchased contact lists without reliance on the IT group.
  • Coordination and optimization of outbound and inbound communications over multiple channels.
  • The ability to create, deliver, and track high-volume, opt-in, personalized e-mail marketing campaigns.
  • Dynamic response handling to automatically update customer contact history, response tracking and analytical processes.
  • Tracking of “hard” and “soft” responses recorded through conventional channels or e-media.
  • Automatic updates on customer contact history, response history, and analytical results to the central customer data.

This solution lets you profile customers who have purchased numerous products or upgrades and then assign similar analytics to other customers in order to determine which ones are good candidates for cross-selling and up-selling.

The Solution Includes:

  • A market basket analysis predictive model.
  • Customer loyalty program analysis and reporting.
  • Channel effectiveness analysis and reporting.
  • Billed call behavior analysis and reporting.
  • Unbilled call behavior analysis and reporting.

Market basket analysis allows you to predict likely candidates for cross-selling opportunities given purchase history, customer demographics, call behavior and other significant variables. For example, certain customers may go from having a basic, fixed-line subscription to adding on multiple fixed lines plus Internet service. Once you identify this behavior pattern, you can use that knowledge to aim marketing campaigns at customers who are most likely to follow the same path.

In the telecommunications industry, 80 to 90 percent of your profits come from 20 to 40 percent of your customers. Unfortunately, traditional accounting methods don’t reveal this type of information, and most telecommunications companies allocate indirect expenses to products or service lines using volume-based averages, which simply cannot deliver an accurate picture of what it costs to attract, service, and retain at an individual customer level.

With detailed analysis across different subscriber attributes, Qualex’s solutions will help you not only access the cost of acquiring and retaining your subscribers, but it will also help you to understand the combinations of behavior, cost, and revenue that are actually driving your profitability.

This solution provides ready-to-deploy models and a telecommunications-specific data architecture that allows you to determine not only which customers are likely to leave, but also their reasons for leaving.

Qualex Customer Retention for Telecommunications provides ready-to-deploy models and a telecommunications-specific data architecture that enables your organization to quickly gain a better understanding of the variables that influence customer churn.

The Solution Offers:

  • Accurate reporting on who is leaving your company.
  • Insights into the major factors influencing their decision to leave.
  • Industry-leading accuracy for predicting who is likely to churn in the near future.
  • Flexible and scalable technology that can keep up with your company’s growth.
  • Pre-built analytical data and process models that speed up implementation and ROI.

This is a powerful solution that provides a pre-built, customizable segmentation model that gives marketers the ability to create more accurate customer segments and predict customer behavior. Built on SAS software’s open, extensible architecture and using SAS’ award-winning data warehousing and analytics
The Solution Offers:
  • A segmentation analytical data and process model.
  • Billed call behavior analysis and reporting.
  • Unbilled call behavior analysis and reporting.
  • Customer and product analysis and reporting.
The segmentation analytical data and process model considers billing patterns, credit risk scores, loyalty, profitability, length of time as customer, and more. Segments indicated by the model go beyond demographic segmentation to include a range of profitability designations, as well as predictions of future profitability.

Qualex can help you reduce the business risk and costs associated with bad debt. Our solutions can help you to identify customers for cross-selling, up-selling and appropriate service repositioning, such as targeted clients for a prepaid wireless program rather than one with a monthly fee.

Qualex Payment Risk for Telecommunications uses models specifically designed for the telecommunications industry to help companies. The solution provides high-quality, pre-built predictive models that perform behavioral scoring to help telecommunications providers curb bad debt by assessing the credit-worthiness of both current and potential customers.

This ability could allow a wireless provider, for example, to identify customers, based on their credit history, should be targeted for a prepaid wireless program rather than one with a monthly fee. Qualex Payment Risk for Telecommunications includes:

  • Credit scoring predictive models.
  • Billed call behavior analysis and reporting.
  • Unbilled call behavior analysis and reporting.

Employing a decade of telecommunications experience, Qualex can show you how to define your corporate direction while documenting strategic objectives, measures, targets and initiatives. This can help you chart your strategic course as well as help you to explore new opportunities.

Qualex Strategic Performance Management for Telecommunications gathers data from every source throughout the enterprise and then transforms it into the information you need to make better strategic decisions and communicate those decisions throughout the organization.

Employing decades of telecommunications experience through industry-specific models and key performance indicators (KPIs), Qualex Strategic Performance Management for Telecommunications includes:

  • A map to plan your journey: A design tool that lets telecommunications business users define corporate direction and document strategic objectives, measures, targets, and initiatives.
  • A compass to keep you on course: A communication tool that allows you to interact, share results, and capture your corporate personality. It includes a Web-based interface with powerful strategy maps, tables, charts, graphs, and textual commentary.
  • A knowledge base to explore new opportunities: Designed to capture, store, and exploit corporate knowledge. The knowledge base gives IT professionals the tools to set up communication channels, simplify, organize, and audit every byte of information that flows through your enterprise, at whatever pace your business requires.
  • An enterprise wide business scorecard: Incorporates telecommunications-specific KPIs to provide a more strategic, single view of your enterprise to drive the business forward.

By providing an integrated price plan strategy, Qualex can help you identify which price plans perform best and which perform poorest, who your most and least profitable customers are, as well as determine which segments are the best targets for new offerings.

Does your current pricing strategy help you achieve your strategic objectives? Which customers are likely to migrate to a new price plan or switch to a competitor’s plan? How will new price plans affect your revenue and profitability targets?

Qualex Price Plan Optimization can help you answer these questions and more by providing an integrated price plan strategy, performance analysis and forecasting, price plan migration propensity and interactive simulation. Using industry-leading SAS Analytics, the solution lets you:

  • Find out which price plans perform best and which perform poorest.
  • Identify your most and least profitable customers and market segments, etc.
  • Develop detailed customer profiles across price plans.
  • Understand the key drivers within each price plan.
  • Determine which segments are the best targets for new offerings.

Qualex Revenue Assurance is designed to help telecommunications companies reduce the business risk and costs associated with revenue leakage with effective monitoring and reporting capabilities.

The solution provides:

  • A complete, end-to-end environment that automates all the important activities in an effective revenue assurance program.
  • Data access engines that can easily integrate with various network elements and other revenue management points along the chain to collect the relevant information without disrupting the performance requirements of the system.
  • Configuration utilities that allow for flexible, user-driven definitions and rules to organize data, calculate variables, define KPI measurements, develop analytic models, and create reports that are unique to each telecommunications environment.
  • Agile reporting capabilities that support the generation of varied reports for detailed leakage monitoring and analysis of all the critical points along the revenue management chain, as well as reports on the effectiveness of revenue assurance KPIs and models developed to manage the policies in place.
  • Every operator’s situation is unique. That’s why Qualex Revenue Assurance delivers a suite of software and services that combine award-winning data management, analytic, and reporting technologies with a cost-effective, adaptable platform that is proven in the industry today.