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Financial Services

The global financial crisis has challenged financial services firms in ways not seen for seven decades, but these challenges are not insurmountable. With more than 15-years of experience in the financial services field, Qualex has worked closely with financial services firms – including banks, credit unions, lenders and capital markets firms – to provide solutions that address today’s critical business needs, including Risk Management, Anti-Money Laundering, and Customer Intelligence. In a world of converged communication and content, sustainable competitive advantage can only be achieved if you consistently attract and retain profitable customers. Qualex can help you get a complete picture of your customers as well as help you automate complex marketing campaigns that will increase your efficiency and profitability, while implementing business strategies to help you retain and nurture customer relationships, and maximize profits.
financial services
With over 15-years of experience in the financial services field, working with some of the biggest banks in the world, we can you help you understand the in-and-outs of the industry better than anyone. We have worked with several of the biggest financial services firms, including Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, as well as local Caribbean and South American banks. We are one of the leaders of of Big Data and High Performance Analytics solutions. Let us show you how a modest investment in technology can substantially increase your ROI. Let us help you understand your patrons better. And help you drive profits straight to your bottom line.

Qualex has successfully delivered solutions to the Banking and Financial Services industry for over 15 years. In today’s highly competitive and complex banking world, you can count on Qualex to help you in the following areas:

Designed to meet the needs of large, global financial institutions, this solution manages and refines mountains of customer data from all areas of the enterprise and automatically identifies, classifies and surfaces suspicious activities. More…

This transparent and auditable system’s capabilities include retail credit scoring, corporate credit rating and credit portfolio risk management, which allows supervisory review, both internally and by regulators, as required by Basel II and other regulations.

SAS Credit Risk Management for Banking enables you to:

  • Access and aggregate credit data across disparate systems and sources.
  • Seamlessly integrate credit scoring/internal rating with credit portfolio risk assessment.
  • Accurately forecast, measure, monitor and report potential credit risk exposures across the entire organization, both on the counterparty level and portfolio level.
  • Evaluate alternative strategies for pricing, hedging or transferring credit risk.
  • Optimize allocation of regulatory capital and economic capital.
  • Facilitate regulatory compliance and risk disclosure requirements for a wide variety of regulations such as Basel II.

The SAS solution provides an open, extensible environment with complete capabilities for retail credit scoring, corporate credit rating and credit portfolio risk management. The system is transparent and auditable, thereby facilitating supervisory review, both internally and by regulators, as required by Basel II and other regulations.

In addition, the underlying credit risk data model helps firms consolidate credit data from disparate sources and supports faster implementation. No other credit risk management software offers a more complete, end-to-end solution integrating data aggregation, analytics and reporting within a transparent framework.

With our banking solutions, which uses award-winning data management, analytic and reporting capabilities, you’ll get a better understanding of the specific risk characteristics and subsequent attributes that lead to delinquency, default and, ultimately, bad debt.

SAS Credit Scoring for Banking provides:

  • Superior risk data collection and management — easily access and match all prerequisite third-party bureau, application, billing-payment and collections data. Perform enhanced market segmentation and functional alignment. Build an easy-to-access, consistent, robust data mart powered by integrated data extraction, householding/deduplication, mapping and loading capabilities.
  • Faster, cheaper, more flexible scorecard development — SAS Credit Scoring for Banking enables rapid in-house development, validation and implementation of application and behavioral scorecards. It also facilitates improved time-to-market performance as well as enhanced market segmentation and pricing strategies that are aligned with the bank’s risk tolerance, thereby controlling bad debt and streamlining account servicing and application scoring processes.
  • Unequaled performance reporting — with SAS Credit Scoring for Banking you also receive a litany of Web-based scorecard stability and portfolio performance reports. You can detect and preempt scorecard instability and deliver performance information to executive management and regulators.

SAS Credit Scoring for Banking is available as a component of SAS Banking Intelligence Solutions, a suite of software and services that combine award-winning analytic and data warehousing technology with decades of industry experience. Through proven prebuilt processes, techniques and models, SAS Banking Intelligence Solutions speed up both implementation and results — yielding significant returns within months, not years.

Finding customers is one of the most difficult and expensive aspects of your business. Keeping them once they become clients is imperative. Qualex’s Customer Retention solutions gathers intelligence from every corner of your company to calculate a customer’s likelihood to switch to a competitor. Armed with this data, you can more effectively target valuable customers, thereby preventing their departure.

SAS’ customer retention solutions combine award-winning data warehousing and analytics, consulting services, and industry-specific data architectures to offer:

  • Accurate reporting on who is leaving your company.
  • Insights into the major factors influencing their decision to leave.
  • Industry-leading accuracy for predicting  which customers are likely to churn in the near future.
  • Proactive, rules-based analysis of account behavior.
  • An accurate early-warning alert system.
  • Flexible and scalable technology that can keep up with your company’s growth.
  • Easy integration with other solutions, such as marketing automation or performance management systems.

The solution enables the development and execution of fair and responsible business practices with a comprehensive understanding of markets, channels, products and consumers, enabling your organization to attain community lending, investment and service goals.

SAS Fair Banking is the only solution that:

  • Provides a singular measure of risk exposure through a global risk indicator to immediately surface potential areas of exposure and help direct investigative analysis.
  • Uses enterprise data management to make lending information accessible immediately, anywhere and in the most appropriate form. The solution includes a data repository that imports source data from various systems in a process that applies HMDA and CRA formats and data cleansing routines.
  • Provides drill-down reporting to answer compliance questions and gain the intelligence to generate proactive lending strategies.
  • Enables advanced predictive analytics, including regressions, to help you describe and predict significant results with confidence.
  • Examines fair banking activities across all levels of the organization — and then clearly and effectively presents results to all stakeholders, from senior management to front-line employees.
  • Supports out-of-the-box customization to the unique needs of any organization.
  • Includes intellectual property from industry experts on HMDA, CRA and fair lending.

Increasing technology advancement has given rise to a new generation of fraud and financial institutions are scrambling to keep with up increasingly complicated faudulent activity. Our sophisticated tools incorporate analytics based on multiple data sources and with multiple detection requirements that enable a bank to detect and prevent crime across the entire spectrum of fraudulent techniques that today’s criminals employ, all, incredibly, in real time.

As the most complete fraud detection system available today, SAS Fraud Management enables you to:

  • Better protect your customers and reduce fraud losses by scoring 100 percent of all transactions in real time at the POS.
  • Use all available data — account, payment and non-monetary — in your fraud decisioning process.
  • Establish an enterprise wide framework for transaction decisioning.
  • Take advantage of the latest anti-fraud measures, including chip and PIN technology.
  • Test and implement the most expansive and predictive set of fraud models possible on a single platform.
  • Link and simultaneously monitor multiple accounts, regardless of type, belonging to the same cardholder.
  • Run multiple organizations or hierarchies within a single instance, enabling them to share elements while remaining logically segregated.
  • Deploy the solution across multiple sites easily and at low cost, thanks to its zero-footprint technology.
  • Accommodate different fraud strategies and operational requirements for multiple portfolios and product lines with the solution’s flexible system architecture.

In this complicated world, changes in everything from foreign exchange rates to interest rates to stocks and commodity prices make you vulnerable to financial loss, resulting in uncertainty surrounding your future earnings, cash flows and the fair market values of your assets and liabilities. Our market risk management solutions combine information from your entire organization into a format that is easily accessible to any user within your organization, whether that be the CEO or an individual trader.

Customer intimacy – the ability to understand and predict customer behaviors, motivations and needs – is highly important in today’s competitive banking environment. Our solutions can help you learn more about your customer’s individual needs, which, in turn, means you can execute more timely, personalized marketing campaigns that take into account your customer’s current and future needs.

With SAS Marketing Automation for Banking and Financial Services, you can:

  • Gain a single, cohesive view of customers by collecting meaningful customer data in one place.
  • Ensure reliable customer data by cleansing, enriching, augmenting and summarizing data following reusable data quality business rules, all while maintaining an accurate audit trail.
  • Identify the most valuable households using segmentation, retention and cross-sell/up-sell analysis to match individual customers with the right products and services.
  • Execute timely, personalized campaigns that take into account customers’ current and future needs.
  • Plan and manage every aspect of even the most complex, multilevel, multichannel campaigns from your desktop.
  • Learn from campaign results and build what you learn back into the process to improve future marketing efforts.

Developed on the premise that risk can be statistically modeled, our tools provide an end-to-end solution built on the industry-leading SAS Intelligence Platform. These components equip financial institutions with the tools needed to measure and manage operational risk in conformity with industry best practices and the New Basel Accord (Basel II).

SAS OpRisk Management enables financial institutions to:

  • Establish a systematic framework for capturing risk factors and relationships.
  • Assess risk exposures and impacts across the entire organization.
  • Optimize capital reserves by improving the internal control environment.
  • Integrate external loss and severity databases into the internal loss database.
  • Share intelligence through score carding, notification and custom reports.
  • Provide full visibility into the sources and logic behind report results.
  • Comply with national and international regulatory requirements.

With powerful data management, analytics and regulatory reporting and disclosure capabilities, SAS OpRisk Management helps you optimize capital allocation while mitigating risks in all areas of your organization.

By providing an integrated price plan strategy, Qualex can help you identify which price plans perform best and which perform poorest, who your most and least profitable customers are, as well as determine which segments are the best targets for new offerings.

Does your current pricing strategy help you achieve your strategic objectives? Which customers are likely to migrate to a new price plan or switch to a competitor’s plan? How will new price plans affect your revenue and profitability targets?

Qualex Price Plan Optimization can help you answer these questions and more by providing an integrated price plan strategy, performance analysis and forecasting, price plan migration propensity and interactive simulation. Using industry-leading SAS Analytics, the solution lets you:

  • Find out which price plans perform best and which perform poorest.
  • Identify your most and least profitable customers and market segments, etc.
  • Develop detailed customer profiles across price plans.
  • Understand the key drivers within each price plan.
  • Determine which segments are the best targets for new offerings.

Enterprise risk management delivers a current, credible understanding of the risks unique to your organization across a broad spectrum that includes all types of risk (credit risk, operational risk, market risk, liquidity risk and trading risk), lines of business and other key dimensions.