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Qualex iQ-Maintain™ is an internet-driven solution for organizations that, after implementing solutions, need additional support to maintain their system’s operation. Qualex offers bundles of consulting hours from its specialized consultants in Data Integration, Data Warehousing Construction, Business Intelligence Reporting and Sophisticated Analysis. All these services are provided at a low cost, with high quality and maximum accessibility.

The solution provides:

  • Installation and re-installation of software.
  • Updates for new versions of the software.
  • Corrections to the use of the software.
  • Modifications to reports.
  • Assessment of reporting options.
  • Adjustment of systems to local law needs.
  • Support via telephone at the level required by the customer.
  • IT support for software integration.
  • Training to support staff.
  • Administrative assistance in the creation or elimination of users.
  • Assistance in the use of software.
  • Assistance in writing basic software code.
  • Assistance in the use of reports.
  • Assistance to solve technical problems in multi-tiered environments.
  • Assistance in the maintenance of stored processes.
  • Support to your business users.

Service Commitment

Once an issue concerning the use of software is reported, Qualex agrees to assign a resource to verify the issue. In critical issues (High), this resource will be assigned within two business hours and for regular issues (Low and Medium), the resource will be assigned within four business hours; by the same token, Qualex expects the customer to provide all support need to resolve the issue. The issue will be verified using the services avenues identified below:

Qualex iQ-Maintain™ service is offered for a minimum of four months. After this initial period, either Qualex or the client can terminate the service without any additional responsibilities or costs. The decision to conclude services requires a one-month notice. The notice provides time to conclude any pending services.

Your organization will pay for maintenance services according to the standard Qualex consulting fee schedule. Payment includes all appropriate taxes according to local laws. Services are paid monthly. Qualex can increase its maintenance fees only once a year. The annual increase will not exceed 10%.

The Solution is affordable:

  • No fees are due until the database is operational.
  • Trial options are available.