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Professional Sports League Case Study


If you are the League and you have multiple teams, one of the missions is to drive growth in the fanbase for the teams, so they can grow their business. When data is within multiple teams’ silos, there is no way to get a good picture of the situation? In this League’s case, the teams’ operational data lived primarily within the teams’ operational source systems. This constrained the league with several independent “silos” of operational data. Accessing data in more than one system at a time proved both time consuming and inefficient. This acted as a blocker when diagnosing why specific events happened from a revenue generation/loss standpoint. The League struggled to predict the next market move to prescribe an effective action plan for customized demand generation and exponential revenue growth.


The League contracted with Qualex Consulting Services to implement an Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW), Business Intelligence (BI) and Advanced Analytics solutions for both, the league and its teams. Qualex implemented iQ-Sports™, a sports/fan-centric data model, to support consolidating the league and team’s fan ticketing, demographics, financial, points of sales (POS) and customer relationship management (CRM) systems.


Qualex addressed the challenges presented by these “data silos” by organizing data from the League’s various operational source systems into a consolidated data warehouse using Qualex’s iQ-Sports™ data model. With BI portals integrated to the warehouse, now team and league management have quick and easy access to key operational data to facilitate strategic decision making in a timelier manner.

Qualex developed a custom solution built specifically around the League’s business needs. The implemented solution leverages the League and Teams’ investment in technology to “do all the heavy lifting of data” so Team/League management can spend more time analyzing their business to make better decisions.

With Price Optimization and Attendance Forecasting models quickly deployed using the iQ-Sports™ database (including Weather data), the League was able to start structuring enterprise wide CRM initiatives as a result of a centralized infrastructure, data consolidation and analytic capabilities. This allowed the League and its teams to efficiently manage a team and league customer database and effectively execute marketing campaigns with the right offer at the right time.


The League’s strategy was to communicate benefits and quick wins to key stakeholders. These quick wins were achieved by the centralization of data and the provisioning of advanced analytics and modeling. Starting with Qualex Price Optimization and Attendance Forecast models, a sample analysis and pilot campaigns were implemented to showcase the impact of fan data. As a result, the average sales per email increased from $56.42 to $109.01, meaning a 93% increase compared to the prior year campaign performance. Personalized pilot campaigns delivered targeted sales campaigns by favorite club, gender and past purchase information. This was calculated by utilizing click sales tracking, matching back email opens to purchases, and including historical performance coefficients

About Qualex

Qualex is a SAP Silver partner and a SAS Gold Partner. Qualex has more than two decades of extensive IT experience with Casinos, Hotels and Sports teams and clubs. What do these organizations all have in common? It is CRITICAL for them to engage effectively with their customers. The combination of Qualex industry expertise plus the latest technologies is helping SMEs innovate and transform their business with simplicity and proactivity at a low price point while delivering tangible value to their customers. Time, People, Priorities and Money shouldn’t be challenges anymore for SMEs.

“We have been working with the Qualex team since 2013 and we are very impressed with the commitment and knowledge they provide to us for the implementation of our new data warehouse and advanced analytics. We look forward to continuing to expand this effort and utilizing the findings to get a better view and understanding of our fans and their engagement across all clubs”. League Executive

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